For this illustration for 515, I was asked to do something gothic and whimsical like a lot of the sketches they've seen me do at the bar (I can be found there sometimes, yes). This one was extremely fun and I used some stock textures to bring out the time period.

For the Red Cocktail Lounge, they asked for something just like a particular illustration in my portfolio, but with drinks. So I tried to stick to a similar composition and finishing texture but I customized it with the couches and decor you'll find at Red. Inkwashes, paper textures and photoshop coloring brought it to completion.
Here's the sketch for this piece:

Also, separate from this commission but connected to Red nonetheless, I did this postcard for the event my boyfriend and our friend Addison put on each monday, this was a quick ink drawing I did on the spot one evening, and now it's on postcards floating around our town:

I'm happy that I got to contribute work to local establishments that I'm close to, and I'll be sure to take pictures of the menus once they're printed!