Two art books that came out this past month that every artist should have:
James Jean: ProcessRecess and
Pulp HopeBoth are beautiful, inspiring crazy books.

It's the third week of BFA already, we're working on a project for Robert Browning's "The Last Duchess" and I'm putting together 5 environment/visual development/story illustrations for next week. Currently it's a mass of reference pictures, rapid sketches and thumbnails (see desktop). I'm studying James Jean's work and learning how to take my raw scratchy pencil drawings into fine, clean-lined illustrations. I'm not sure how to deal with color... I think I'm going to stick with gouache and acrylic for the most part, there's not quite enough time to experiment with Photoshop this week.
Yesterday I went to the premier of
Glory Boy Days, the movie I worked on the art department for last winter, and it was an amazing turn-out, everyone who worked on it was there, driving from San Francisco, flying from LA, bringing our family and loved ones, and we all got to wait on the sidewalk outside the theater for three hours because of technical difficulties, and then got to see 10 minutes of the film before the audio went out completely. Still, despite the premiere being a bust, we talked about those 10 minutes for half of dinner afterwards, and it was great to see everyone all together. (optimism,optimism)
Illustrating, illustrating, more on that later.